2010 NATOA (National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors) Government Programming Awards


"How in the World?"

Videographer Awards

Award of Excellence

“Crime Prevention Tips”

2010 NSPRA (National School Public Relations Association) Contest Award Winners

Audio/Visual Programs & Presentations
Award of Excellence

“How in the World”

Award of Merit

"Making a Difference" Video

“Learning Walks” Video

Honorable Mention

“Compass to 2015” Video

2009 Telly Award

Bronze Award

"In the Works" 

2009 Telly Award

Bronze Award 

"People, Get Ready" regional emergency preparedness video

2009 Videographer Award

Award of Excellence - Children's TV Programming category

"How in the World?" 

National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA)

Award of Excellence - 2008 Publications and Electronic Media

"How in the World?"

Videographer Awards 2008

Award of Excellence - Creativity/Use of Graphics and Design Award of Excellence - Government/City

"In the Works"

2007 NATOA, National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors

2nd Place

"How in the World?"

NSPRA 2006-2007 Publications and Electronic Media Contest

Award of Excellence

How in the World? Television Program

Award of Excellence

Advance Your Thinking II Video Presentation

Award of Honorable Mention

The Locker Room Television Program

Award of Honorable Mention

Ahead of the Curve Television Program

2007 Videographer Awards

Award of Distinction

W.T. Cooke Elementary: Where Teaching Counts

2007 Videographer Awards

Award of Excellence

Advance Your Thinking II

2007 Telly Awards


How in the World

Award of Excellence

ChesapeakeChapter of National School Public Relations Association Spring 2005 – Spring 2006 Regional Competition

Award of Honorable Mention

Ahead of the Curve The Locker Room Take 5, Bus Safety Public Service Announcement

2005-2006 NSPRA, National School Public Relations Association

Award of Excellence

How in the World

Honorable Mention

Locker Room

2006 Telly Awards


Save Oceana Public Service Announcement

2006 Videographer Awards

Award of Excellence

Beach Video Magazine, V2#2

2005 NATOA, National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors

1st Place

Self-Advocacy: Speak Up, Speak for Yourself!

2004-2005 NSPRA, National School Public Relations Association

Award of Excellence

ATC: Advance Your Thinking
Self-Advocacy: Speak Up, Speak for Yourself!

Award of Merit

Year-Round Schools

Honorable Mention

Ahead of the Curve How in the World On Deck Series

2005 Videographer Awards

Award of Excellence

Self-Advocacy: Speak Up, Speak for Yourself! Duck Carvers of the Tidewater

2004 NATOA, National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors

3rd Place Magazine Category

Beach Video Magazine

2003-04 Model Partnership, Virginia Beach City Public Schools

Technical & Career Education Center with City of Virginia Beach ComIT/Video Services

2003 NSPRA, National School Public Relations Association

Award of Excellence

How in the World

2003 NSPRA, National School Public Relations Association

Award of Merit

On Deck

2003 NSPRA, National School Public Relations Association

Award of Honorable Mention

Ahead of the Curve

2003 Videographer Awards

Award of Distinction

Regional Sales Tax Transportation Referendum

2002 NSPRA, National School Public Relations Association

Award of Excellence

How in the World

2002 Videographer Awards

Award of Excellence

Don't Get Backed Up

2001 National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (NATOA)

First Place

Don't Get Backed Up

Third Place

Seniors Staying Healthy: Preventing Falls

2001 NSPRA, National School Public Relations Association

Award of Excellence

Einstein Lab-Going the Distance

Golden Achievement Award

Regional School Bus Safety Call-In Show

Award of Merit

How in the World Vol. 2#2

Honorable Mention

Ahead of the Curve Vol. 2#2
Profiles of Economic Vitality - Focus on Mentors

2001 Telly Awards


Water Safety: Don't Be Adrift

2001 Videographer Awards

Award of Excellence

Einstein Lab - Going the Distance

2000 Videographer Awards

Award of Excellence

Profiles of Economic Vitality

Honorable Mention

Food Service Employee Training: Personal Hygiene

2000 Telly Awards


Ahead of the Curve It's On the Lid

2000 3CMA Savvy Awards

Award of Excellence

Food Service Employee Training - Personal Hygiene

2000 NSPRA, National School Public Relations Association

Award of Excellence

How In the World

2000 National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (NATOA)

Third Place

Food Service Employee Training: Personal Hygiene